This happy sound and music visualisation app converts sound frequencies into light/colour frequencies, in the most scientifically accurate visualisation process available on Android. Will you find the aliens?
Special Features:
- Many geometries to explore the colour of your sounds
- Mood light mode for music-responsive ambient light projection
- Science page to learn more about our senses
- Secret modes to unlock
1: The visualization will begin immediately. Speak to your phone or play some music in the room. Select different geometries with 2 fingers.
2: Instructions are included in the app, you can access them any time with two fingers.
The art of synesthesia:
As trippy psychedelic synesthesia art, this app is an exploration of the relationship between our audio and visual senses, and the nature of our consciousness.
The science of the senses:
Your eyes contain 3 colour receptive cells, each having different sensitivities within the perceptible light spectrum. At the same time, your ears have different sensitivities over the audible spectrum. In addition, our eyes and ears re-adjust depending on the intensity of light and sound. Using real data on the nature of our sensory organs, the ambient sound spectrum picked up by your device's microphone is converted into light in real-time, so you can for the first time see the colour of your voice, music, nature and environment.
This app forms part of a larger project of synesthesia and sound visualisation. For more information, apps and more details about the science involved, please visit the blog site:
If you would like to contribute music for a future release, or use this process in your own projects, live performances, VJ sets, or other, please send me an email.
Suara dan visualisasi musik app bahagia ini mengubah frekuensi suara ke frekuensi cahaya / warna, dalam proses visualisasi yang paling ilmiah akurat yang tersedia di Android. Anda akan menemukan alien?
Fitur Khusus:
- Banyak geometri untuk mengeksplorasi warna suara Anda
- Mode ringan Mood untuk musik-responsif proyeksi cahaya ambient
- Halaman Sains untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang indera kita
- Mode Rahasia untuk membuka
1: visualisasi akan segera dilaksanakan. Berbicaralah dengan ponsel Anda atau bermain musik di dalam ruangan. Pilih geometri yang berbeda dengan 2 jari.
2: Instruksi termasuk dalam aplikasi, Anda dapat mengaksesnya setiap saat dengan dua jari.
Seni sinestesia:
Seperti trippy art sinestesia psychedelic, aplikasi ini merupakan eksplorasi hubungan antara suara dan indera visual, dan sifat kesadaran kita.
Ilmu indra:
Mata Anda mengandung sel-sel menerima 3 warna, masing-masing memiliki kepekaan yang berbeda dalam spektrum cahaya tampak. Pada saat yang sama, telinga Anda memiliki kepekaan yang berbeda atas spektrum terdengar. Selain itu, mata dan telinga kita kembali menyesuaikan tergantung pada intensitas cahaya dan suara. Dengan menggunakan data riil pada sifat alat indera kita, spektrum suara ambient dijemput oleh mikrofon perangkat Anda diubah menjadi cahaya secara real-time, sehingga Anda dapat untuk pertama kalinya melihat warna suara, musik, alam dan lingkungan.
Aplikasi ini merupakan bagian dari proyek yang lebih besar dari sinestesia dan visualisasi suara. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, aplikasi dan rincian lebih lanjut tentang ilmu yang terlibat, silahkan kunjungi situs blog:
Jika Anda ingin memberikan kontribusi musik untuk masa mendatang, atau menggunakan proses ini dalam proyek Anda sendiri, pertunjukan live, VJ set, atau lainnya, silahkan kirim email.
This happy sound and music visualisation app converts sound frequencies into light/colour frequencies, in the most scientifically accurate visualisation process available on Android. Will you find the aliens?
Special Features:
- Many geometries to explore the colour of your sounds
- Mood light mode for music-responsive ambient light projection
- Science page to learn more about our senses
- Secret modes to unlock
1: The visualization will begin immediately. Speak to your phone or play some music in the room. Select different geometries with 2 fingers.
2: Instructions are included in the app, you can access them any time with two fingers.
The art of synesthesia:
As trippy psychedelic synesthesia art, this app is an exploration of the relationship between our audio and visual senses, and the nature of our consciousness.
The science of the senses:
Your eyes contain 3 colour receptive cells, each having different sensitivities within the perceptible light spectrum. At the same time, your ears have different sensitivities over the audible spectrum. In addition, our eyes and ears re-adjust depending on the intensity of light and sound. Using real data on the nature of our sensory organs, the ambient sound spectrum picked up by your device's microphone is converted into light in real-time, so you can for the first time see the colour of your voice, music, nature and environment.
This app forms part of a larger project of synesthesia and sound visualisation. For more information, apps and more details about the science involved, please visit the blog site:
If you would like to contribute music for a future release, or use this process in your own projects, live performances, VJ sets, or other, please send me an email.